22.1.a. Number of countries and territories with a defined policy framework for research for health, including appropriate funding mechanisms reported to the WHO Global Observatory on Health Research and Development
22.2.a. Number of countries and territories with the national health authority enabled to address ethical issues and establish effective mechanisms for ethics oversight of research
22.3.a. Number of countries and territories that have increased the number of scientific publications on health that respond to priority research agendas and the SDGs
How PASB will deliver
Key Technical Cooperation Interventions
Step up leadership
Develop and/or scale up institutional capacities within Member States for the systematic and transparent uptake of evidence to inform policy and decision making, and implement standardized evidence mechanisms derived from global science, local data, and specific contextual knowledge to improve policy, systems, and services.
Support countries
Conduct an assessment of each country’s research ethics system, provide technical assistance for the development of a framework to ensure that human subjects research is ethical, establish effective mechanisms for ethics oversight, and strengthen capacities for ethics analysis and ethical decision making in public health.
Support and assess national innovations for health geared toward strengthening health systems and advancing toward universal health; monitor and evaluate the governance of research for health, including assessments of investments and returns.
Produce technical products on norms and standards, data, and research
Develop institutional capacities for public health research to strengthen the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of health policies, programs, and practice to improve health and reduce health inequalities.
Develop and implement norms, standards, and recommendations for innovations for health geared toward strengthening health systems and advancing toward universal health.