Photo: PAHO/WHO Haiti.
Having previously been declared cholera-free, the Dominican Republic and Haiti detected and confirmed new cholera cases in October 2022. In response, PASB established a regional and country-level Incident Management Support Team, followed by preparation of a cholera strategic response plan and rapid risk assessments. PASB provided technical, operational, and financial support to train and mobilize 1200 community health workers across the West, Central, and Artibonite departments. Equipped with basic supplies from PASB, the health workers went door-to-door, educating communities on cholera risks and prevention measures required to curb transmission. They promoted appropriate hygiene practices, sanitation, and water treatment methods to minimize the spread of the disease, and they were trained to identify cholera symptoms and refer patients to the nearest cholera treatment centers. This community-based approach is now being promoted nationwide as a cornerstone of cholera control. In addition, PASB provided support to Haiti for health cluster coordination, epidemiological and laboratory surveillance, case management, WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) services, risk communication and community engagement, logistics, and vaccination. PASB donated almost 43 metric tons of medicines and supplies and procured WASH materials, oral cholera vaccines, cholera rapid tests, oral rehydration salts, and Ringer’s lactate. PASB also delivered seven cholera kits, each with sufficient supplies to treat 100 patients.