Between July and December 2017, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela identified 1722 suspected measles cases, of which 727 were confirmed. By mid-2018, endemic transmission was reestablished. The country began rigorous efforts to contain this outbreak, and in January 2020 national authorities announced that the outbreak was under control. By November 2023, the Measles and Rubella Elimination Regional Monitoring and Re-Verification Commission, an independent body, announced that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela had been reverified as measles-free. During the biennium, PASB donated 57 000 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and supported the country in the purchase of around 6.5 million vaccines through the Revolving Fund. With support from bilateral and multilateral partners and donors, and in coordination with the country’s government and UNICEF, PASB supported the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in achieving reverification by providing technical advice and preparing annual monitoring reports. These reports confirmed that year after year, for a period of four years, the country had maintained the interruption of the measles outbreak and the elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome.