Photo: PAHO/WHO Chile.
Chile emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic with an innovative model that is transforming its primary health care. Teletriage guides individuals to appropriate care, whether in person or remotely, by using telecommunications to assess, evaluate, and prioritize their health concerns. Because of the success of this model, Chile enacted a policy in 2022 promoting widespread implementation of teletriage. As of December 2023, teletriage had handled more than 3 million requests. To facilitate its widescale deployment, PAHO established agreements with the South Metropolitan Health Service and the Ministry of Health, strengthening PASB’s capacity to support scale-up. PASB also launched an online course to familiarize health care professionals with the teletriage model, covering legal frameworks, technological tools, and best practices in telehealth. As of December 2023, over 4800 professionals in Chile had completed the training on usage of the system. As the teletriage system continues its expansion, it is poised to bring long-term benefits to citizens across Chile, underscoring the power of innovation and collaborative efforts in shaping the future of health care delivery.