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EOB 2022 2023
Mortality rate due to disasters per 100,000 population

SDG Indicator 1.5.1

Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population

SDG Indicator 11.5.1

Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population

SDG Indicator 13.1.1

Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population

SHAA2030 Target 8.1

Reduce the number of cases of death, disability, and illness, with emphasis on protection of the poor and vulnerable populations affected by emergencies and disasters 

At least a 10% reduction from the baseline
2023, actual
Not rated

This indicator provides a measure of disaster-attributable deaths caused by direct exposure to emergencies and disasters. For the purposes of this indicator, a disaster means a Grade 2 or Grade 3 emergency as defined in the World Health Organization Emergency Response Framework. Grade 2 and Grade 3 emergencies from 2019 and 2023 are listed below. Such a measure is meant to assess the effectiveness of national disaster/emergency preparedness, risk management, and response policies and programs in protecting population health.



Table. Number of deaths reported for Grade 2 and Grade 3 emergencies, 2019-2023


Due to the complexity associated with measuring this indicator, its baseline is not yet established, and the indicator cannot be rated at this time. There is recognition of the challenges associated with measuring this indicator at both the global and national levels.


  • Review proposals for alternative methods for measuring the impact that disasters have on population health and wellbeing. 
  • Refine methodology used for measuring and monitoring mortality due to disasters on a regular basis. 
  • Track data for this indicator using updated digital tools.