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PAHO Evaluation
Learn about the evaluation culture and practice at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
Strengthening an evaluation culture to enhance PAHO’s effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and accountability

PAHO’s evaluation function aims to build a strong culture of evaluation at all levels of the Organization, contributing to improve performance, increase accountability for results, and promote organizational learning. 

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO Director

“PAHO's efforts in building an evaluation culture are pivotal in guiding our new approaches and has set a benchmark for excellence.”

PAHO Forward and Evaluation

Evaluation naturally walks hand in hand with the PAHO Forward approach in its pursuit for effective management, governance, and organizational performance and to better equip the Organization to address the evolving public health challenges faced by its Member States.

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Evaluation culture and learning

Fostering an organization-wide engagement for improved results
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Increasing PAHO’s effectiveness, as well as efficiency, transparency, and accountability
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Learning from evidence and experience for improved performance

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Empowering all of PAHO through guidance and knowledge on evaluation

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Communication and visibility

Helping better position PAHO as a partner of choice in the Americas

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